Was Jesus a Consumer?

The Gospels teach us so much about Jesus. He was a Jew, a carpenter, and son of Mary and Joseph; he could turn water into wine, and of course he’s our Saviour. But was He a consumer?

I think this cartoon gives us the answer:

Courtesy: bztoons.com

I hope this made you smile! ?

Note: I don’t know the guy who made this cartoon and cannot speak for other cartoons he has made that are not of a Christian nature.


  1. Victoria, I love that you have a found a way to combine the things in your life that you are most passionate about. Your “about me” story is fascinating and intriguing and I think is wonderful that you are blogging about how your religion affects your financial and life decisions. And clearly you also have a great sense of humor to share. It was such a pleasure to meet you yesterday…and I don’t think it was by accident. That old saying that all things happen for a reason is absolutely true. I feel like my life is more enriched just from meeting you and seeing how brightly you shine! Keep doing your fabulous and amazing work!


    1. Shelbee, thank you so much! Your words have made my day. I totally agree that we met “on purpose” – and the fact that the ferry was late was just bonus time for us to chat!


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