Are we in the golden age of Catholic fiction? Author and founder of, A.R.K. Watson, thinks so! We discuss on the latest episode of Treasures in Heaven.
Some of the things we discuss:
- her conversion to Catholicism
- why she thinks NOW is the golden age of Catholic fiction
- how we can all support Catholic fiction writers
- whether there’s room for Catholic fiction in the traditional publishing world (Yes! We just need to ask for more!)
Plus, she reads an excerpt from her book, The Vines of Mars. Here are more resources we talked about:
- A.R.K.’s Website
- The Grace Crasher book
- CatholicRead’s Patreon
- Carolyn Astfalk’s website
- The website I mentioned where you can look out other people’s windows throughout the world
- My interview w/ Carolyn Astfalk
Photos of ARK’s backyard in South Korea: