I’ve always prided myself on being savvy with money.

Catholic Novelist
Catholic Novelist
I’ve always prided myself on being savvy with money.
I enjoy reading what people spend their money on in a course of 24 hours, so I thought it would be fun to detail all the things I didn’t buy …
To all the single Catholic men out there, you don’t need to be rich/well-off to date and discern marriage.
Credit cards are one of the most vilified financial products, but, even so, they are not from the devil. They’re not from God, either.
Money, money, money, mon-ayyy! Yes, it can be awkward, but marriage will be filled with plenty of money choices.
Three months ago I quit my job. I never would’ve guessed that my grandma would’ve died in the time since I left.
Raise your hand if you’ve wanted to go on a pilgrimage, but your jaw dropped when you saw the price tag! I’m talking north of $5K+ all-in for one person!
Friends, I’m opting out of the career rat race. Truth be told, I’m just tired of trying to be “the best (fill-in-the-blank du jour).”
A few weeks ago, I quit my job in TV news. I don’t know what industry I’ll work in next or when I’ll find a job – somewhat surprisingly, I’m …