Welcome, I’m Victoria Everleigh and I write contemporary Catholic women’s fiction.

I self-published my first trilogy, Vows For Life, in 2022, followed by my first Kindle Vella serialized fiction series, Dial the Doula (Young Adult/Romantic Comedy) and my latest series, The Connecticut Coastline series, in 2023.  

Family First, then Fiction 

My husband, my daughter (plus our son in my womb), and I live in New England, which is the perfect location for me since I love the fall, the snow and the winter. We live near a lot of our family, which has made all the difference in raising our family. 

My career has been a smorgasbord. After college, my first paid gig was as an extra for a Hallmark movie while on vacation with my family (this is one of my favorite stories to tell over and over). With no intentions of being an actress, I spent the next (almost 5 years) working in television news as a producer and reporter in Michigan, Ohio, Connecticut, and New York. 

When I got tired of working overnights, on holidays, and on weekends, I became a personal finance coach with a start-up in New York City. Shortly after my daughter was born in 2022, I was ready to leave that job. 

Amidst all of this, I really wanted to write a novel. It was that “thing” I knew I would do someday, but COVID-19 lockdown really inspired me to get moving. So, I started writing my first novel (which is The Love We Vow) in 2020. 

I really want my readers to feel like they’ve entered into the mind of another person who makes them feel seen and understood. Fiction has helped me get over break-ups and process pain, so I hope my books will do the same for you.

Do I make a living from writing novels? No, not by a long shot. But I love writing and I have so many stories I want to tell. Since my faith, my family and my job take precedence, I don’t write and publish nearly as quickly as I want to, but that’s OK.

Aside from fiction, I still love to blog! Much of what I write in that arena pertains to:

  • sustainable living (I’m a big Laudato Si fan!) 
  • ethical fashion
  • dating/marriage
  • tidbits from my life that I think could help other people

How it All Started

I started this blog (originally known as ConsumerCatholic.com) in 2017 when I was still working in television news. At the time, I was chasing dollars and cents more than I was chasing God, so I wrote a lot about personal finance.

In 2021, I renamed the blog to Victoria Everleigh to orient it more towards my novels, but you can still expect me to keep blogging.

Since 2018, I’ve also been running the podcast “Treasures in Heaven,” which I learned how to create through Youtube videos and lots of Google searches. I don’t publish on any sort of regular schedule; it’s purely a hobby for me. If you’re interested in being on the podcast to talk about anything related to the Catholic faith, your small business, your book, whatever, please reach out to me.

I have a Facebook page related to the blog, which I sporadically update with Bible quotes, saint quotes and sometimes my own quotes when I’m feeling inspired!

I don’t have an Instagram, so I always say, “Instead of following me on Instagram, go follow Jesus!” God Bless!

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