Do you have a passion or a hobby you just love? For Cynthia Psencik, one of those passions is fashion. Today, the way that passion plays out in her life is quite different than what she dreamed of as a child. So what happened? Cynthia and I talk about how she realized God had different plans for her career and how she continues to enjoy fashion.
Cynthia is the Archdiocese of New York’s Director of Youth Ministry.
Enjoyed listening stoning to this podcast this morning as I was multitasking…washing windows! I like to see things sparkle! I was amazed at the easy flow of Victoria and Cynthia. The questions were brilliant and the answers kept me wanting for more. If we would stop and listen to the Holy Spirit’s guiding direction more often, we can learn ways to weave our passion into a means of substance. I’d like to encourage Cynthia to use her love of fashion to spark a creative flame with her youth ministry. Use the idea of clothing through history to inspire young people to stay excited to participate with coming together after confirmation. Have them watch the Red Tent and the creative styles of the women and the community they shared. Talk about color and it’s significance in the Bible and the church and in our lives today. Have a sewing center bring a lesson to a meeting and some elders who have a hobby with knitting etc. and create simple items for a craft fair. Also, a fashion through the ages show with music performed by kids with that talent. This is the way to keep the 13-18 year olds excited about their continued interest in remaining Catholic. Take the history of the Bible and weave it forward. Make it fun and style the joy that Jesus intended to fit all of us!