43. Maria Riley: Foster Care Adoption & Writing Fiction

In my first edition of “Fiction Fridays”, I chat with Catholic children’s author Maria Riley. She has an amazing, inspiring story of motherhood that includes pregnancy, birth, loss, and adoption. Plus, it inspired her to write a book series called “Adventures with the Saints.” 


  • Maria Riley’s website 
  • Saint Joseph: The Foster Father Saint
    • Synopsis:  Joshua is a seven-year-old foster child who moves in with the Martin family. They seem really nice, but Joshua isn’t sure if his new parents can love him as much as a biological child. With his new brother and sister, Luke and Becca, Joshua goes on a special journey and meet Saint Joseph at the time of Jesus’ birth. Can Saint Joseph teach Joshua, Luke, and Becca a lesson about love and adoption? Will Joshua ever fit in with his new family?

Read my novels  and my new serialized fiction series, Dial the Doula. Already read them? Leave a review on Amazon or GoodReads! You can copy & paste your review between the two. Thank you so much!