My 3 Favorite Catholic Podcasts

I spend a lot of time commuting so podcasts keep me company! It’s encouraging to see so many Catholic podcasts out there and I haven’t listened to them all, but here are my 3 “go-tos.”

1) Among the Lilies

Among The Lilies is the show for ladies who are tired of pretending and are ready to be real.

Genuine and funny! It feels like I’m eavesdropping on a private conversation between 2 close friends. 

I’m smiling as I type this! I’m continually surprised at how generous Cameron Fradd and her guests are in sharing their vulnerabilities navigating real life as daughters of Christ. They talk about marriage, mommyhood, infertility, and intimacy. 

They even talk about how sometimes you get mad at God and don’t understand His plan! Sometimes we’re jealous of others who seem to have better relationships or make more money or just look like they have an easier life (remember, we all have crosses).

I don’t know if I could be that open on a podcast, so I’m especially grateful for these women. 

What I also love about ATL is that it can have you laughing and crying in the same episode. Cameron adds levity to the show, even in the midst of a serious topic. She is so empathetic to her guests and really validates their feelings. I’m sure it is healing to her guests.

Before I heard about ATL, I went to hear Matt Fradd talk in the summer of 2016. Months later, when I was searching for podcasts on iTunes, I happened upon this one, only to find out Matt’s wife, Cameron, was the host! I figured it had to be good because Matt was such a good, funny speaker.

The first episode I listened to was with Crystalina Evert (go listen!).

Honestly, there were several topics that I thought didn’t apply to me, like secondary infertility (not being able to conceive after already having children) or annullment/divorce, but I listened to those episodes and felt such empathy for these women and for trials I’ve never experienced. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone talk to me so openly about those topics.

I’ve been on a binge lately and have been listening out of order, so there’s still a few I want to hear.

Here’s my favorites:

  • 06: Stop pretending, start living with Jennifer Fulwiler
  • 11: Dealing with Anxiety
  • 16: Dealing with the loss of a child
  • 33: Dealing with Guilt, Secondary Infertility & comparing ourselves with others
  • 36: What it’s like being a divorced Catholic

Best for:

  • women, single or married
  • men who want to understand the feminine genius
  • when you’re looking for a mix of laughs and serious stuff

2) I Got Issues

Feeling like you have to pretend you have faith and relationships all figured out? You are not alone! Check in with Danielle and some of her favorite people — regular, young Catholics just like you. We’ve all got issues; let’s talk about them.

The host, Danielle Burr, has a unique perspective because she’s a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist working as a youth minister. She has a solid theological and psychological background.

I don’t know Danielle personally, but I feel like we’d be best friends if we met! We’re only a year and a half apart in age, and I resonate with so much of what she says. So many times I’ve said to myself, “I thought I was the only who thought (fill in the blank).” She’s honest about her “issues”, including anxiety, but she doesn’t feel sorry for herself.

She loves the Lord and is striving to do His will everyday, but I love that she’s upfront about how hard that is and how she struggles.

My favorites:

  • 04: When God Says No
  • 06 and 15: Lessons I Learned by 25 (Parts 1 & 2)
  • 11 and 13 : Surrender to Him (Parts 1 & 2)

Best for:

  • Catholic young adults, especially women
  • Someone looking for a shorter podcast (they’re usually less than 25 min)

P.S. – I heard about “I Got Issues” through my next favorite podcast…

3) The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

I don’t even remember how I found this podcast, but I’m glad I did. Steve and Becky Greene (husband and wife) are known as the cradle Catholic and the convert. Their show airs on Immaculate Heart Radio in the Phoenix area, but the rest of us get to enjoy it on iTunes!

I enjoy their perspective as parents. They’re funny people, too and you can tell how much they love the faith. They have 178 episodes and I have probably only listened to 10% (and working on more), so take my recommendations as you will! They come out with one new episode every week on a range of topics.

My favorites (so far):

  • 8/22/17 – Trent Horn, Mormonism
  • 2/14/17 – Money Matters, John Dombroski
  • 1/10/17 – Christopher West, Theology of the Body
  • 6/28/16 Gary Zimak, Jesus and Overcoming Anxiety

Best for:

  • Anyone looking to grow in the understanding of their faith and Church teaching
  • Husbands, wives, and parents
  • Those looking for a longer podcast (usually an hour with commercials that you can skip through)