27. Investment Funds for Catholics to Consider: Part 1

If you want to start investing as a Catholic and you’re wondering what your options are to do so, this is the episode for you! Remember, there are no publicly traded companies that brand themselves as Catholic. So to invest in a Catholic socially responsible way, you have to find companies that fall under the criteria of the USCCB’s investing guidelines. Luckily, multiple companies have already done this work for you! 

1) Catholic S&P 500 (CATH) 

2) Ave Maria Mutual Funds 

3) Catholic Investor Funds from The Knights of Columbus  

4) Aquinas Catholic Equity Fund 

Other episodes about Catholic socially responsible investing:

Please keep in mind that this information is intended as education, not advice. That means: if you invest in any of these funds and lose money, please don’t get mad at me. Also, if you invest in these funds and make money, it’s also not because of me! I don’t control how funds perform. If I did, I’d be the richest person in the world 😉 

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Check out this episode!